Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

ATpeatile of the AfeEtionss \ W unto grace. Thirdly, Becaufe the offef?ioni are goad chan -1 $eCtre oels, for grace to run down in : Be there never fo fill á foún= I affe &ions tain of good watet, yet if it have not a channel tb run all are the along in, the fountain may be ever a bubling, but it choak- colonnades eat it felf for want of a channel. So though God fhould S put never fo much grace into thy heart, yet if it fhould have no channel to run down in, it would fmother it felf. Now God hath given thee atftetions like channels, for grace to run down in. Art thou covetous and full of de- fires? what a fine channel is that for grace to run down in ? it is the eafier for thee to covet the bell things : art thou of a cholerick, and angry conftitution ? what a fine channel is that for zeal to Gods glory to run down iri ? it is the eafier for thee to be zealous in Gods worship : art thou melancholy and ofa fad difpofition ? what a fine chan- nel is that for repentance to run down in ? it is the eafier for thee to defpife the vain pleafures of the world, and to forrow for fin : art thou merry and of a cheerful nature? what a fine channel is this for delight in the Lord to runne down in ? it is the eafier for thee to joy in the holy Ghofr ; art thou fearful and of a timorous fpirit ? what a fine chan- nel is that for fear of Gods judgements and truth to runne down in ? it is the eafier for thee to tremble before God, and fear to offend him. Solomon was full of the affèions of love, it is true, he let luft after women, and uncleanneffe a while run down in that channel, but when grace and repentance recovered his foul, what an excellent chan- nel was it for love unto Chrift to run down in? Never was there filch a lovefong to Chrift, as the Canticles, fince the creation of the world to this day ; and therefore it is. called Canticum Canticorum, The Song of Songs, Cant.i. T. Certainly Jeremy was a man of a fad conflitution, but fee what an advantage this bent of affeftíon was to him, it was a channel for fpiritual fadnefle to run down in. Oh that rrtj head Were Waters, and mine eyes afountain of tears, to Weep day and night for the flain of the daughter of my people. Jet. I a 9.1.