A Treatife of the AffeCtions. our affeElions upon God, if the affections were evil in them - felves ? Nay, it follows from hence that it is a.great blef- fing of God, that we have any of ec`lions at all, that we may fet them upon God. The V. Sermon. Colof, 3. z. Setyour affeaions on things that are above, &c. He Chriftians of the Primitive Church had learnt this leffon very well, to fet their of -. fecìions on Gods Kingdom, they were of- ten thinking of it, often fpeaking of it in the companies they carne in, they would be dif- courting of it, infomuch that the foolifh Heathen, hearing them talking fo often of a Kingdom,took them for affeders of Kingdoms, and a.ccuféd them of af- piring to be Kings, viris. tixAVCxis,Ccen?anve55Ath`e rzsrivais.. t A al.&tR. ar dzçiirr.s àvâpáarvcv \ZHT IQaTE, la; es Iuf in Martyr, r p, GhriJt, Ye hear, faies he, that we expert for a Kingdom, Ye ima- ad srtan. gine we look after humane Kingdoms. No, No, faies he, we mean the Kingdom withGod and,with Chrift in Hea- ven above. Their affedious were much there ; Ye have heard beloved, the neceflity of this duty, that we mutt fet our. affeétions upon God and his Kingdom and grace. Ye have heard the reafons why we muff do fo ; for the ufe of the point., ye have heard a confutation of.the. Stoicks; that teach a vacuity of affed'nons, and fay the affecîions are all evil in themfelves. They cannot be evil in themfèlves,. 13 becaufe