Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

6 i I A Treadle of the Alf iaioas, becaufe we muff fet them upon God; were they evil in themfelves, it were unlawful to fet them upon God. But it is not only not unlawful, but alto it is very necaflary to fet our affections upon God. O this is a hard duty to our corrupt flefh, and fo ye fhall finde it, to let your affee i- ons on God. There be many lets that hinder us from fo doing. Thé fira Ertl, Becaufe it is a very hard thing to turn an antipa- impeài. thy or a fympathy; our hearts are fo deeply affected with mein that the things .oftheworld, as that they have a- fympathy With. hinders them ,and an antipathy ag-ainfl a removal therefrom. When then eú the affections are deep het with or again(f, they prove to be ons on fympathies and antipathies, which are infinitely hard to God, br- be changed. The Philofophers call them occulta qualitates, eaufe it is hidden qualities, no reafon can be given of them. No man tan bard can give a reafon why the load.ffone fhould be fo deeply 'ttìinb to an turn an affected with iron, as to draw it unto it. It bath a fympa. antipathy thy with it.; the wilde Bull bath a fympathy with a figge- or fympa. tree; nothing can tame him but it ; the Elm bath a fympa- thy. thywith the Vine: the Vine hath a fympathy with the Olive. No man can give a reafon why it fhould be fo. So beloved, our deep affeélions are the fympathies of our hearts, and therefore feeing they are let to the things of the world, they are hardly removed. No reafon, fcarce any reafon can fever them. Deena when he fet his love upon the world, the text faies he forfook Paul, and he em- braced this prefent word, Demas bath forfa,ken me, and em. braced this preferir World a Tim. 4. 1o. We tranílate it, he loved this prefent world, but the word lignifies, ands fo other tranflations render it, he embraced this prefent world ; that is, the affedions of his heart had a fympathy with it, as the Ivie with the Elm, he embraced it. S. Paul could not hold him, no reafon could withhold him, he had a fympathy with it. Now when the heart hath a fympathy with the things of the world, it muff needs have an anti- pathy at grace; the frond man bath an antipathy at the parting