ATt'eatife o f tbe Aeionr: 63 parting with that which he prides in; the revengeful man hath an antipathy at the putting up of an injury. The flub, born man h'ath an antipathy at a found reproof, he cannot endure to be fharply rebuk't for his finnes. As fome men (fuller a homely fimilitude) I fay, have an antipathy with Cheefe, they will goe out of the room where it is. As the mullet bath an antipathy with the Pike; the Coleworts have an antipathy with the Vine; they will die rather then grow together. So men are vext to be curbed of their lulls. The of eelions are the fympathies and the antipa- thies of the heart, and therefore it's very hard to remove them, it will coil thee a mighty deal of labour to pull off thine affeclions from all the things in the world, and to fet them upon God. Secondly, it is a hard thing to work on the heart, when the heart is bewitcht. The affections are the bewitchings of the heart, when the heart hath once Get its affections on the things of the World, it is even quite bewitched therewith. Foolifh people talk much of bewitchings; Brethren let me tell you, here's a bewitch ing ye little confider. Your affe &ions bewitch you. o foe- lift Galatians, who bath bewitchedyon, that ye Jbauld not o- bey the truth ? Gal.3. i . J'eductlß- tiavfc*x, faies S. Ciìr_yfoflone. this is the bewitching of the devil ; the falle Apofiles had wrought upon the Galatians affections, and drawn them from the truth, and now When their affections were let on it, the Apoftle fajes they were bewitcht. The affections when once they are up about a thing that is earthly or car- nal, they are like a company of devils in hell to bewitch one : there be abundance of bewitchings in nature. The bird Galgalus, if the fee a man that is fick of the jaundies, the man recovers, and the is fo- bewitched therewith that the dieth. If a Toad be teen by the Wefil to gape, the. Welil is fo bewitched, that fhe gives up her felt to be de- voured: but of all the bewitchings in the world, the be- witching of the affections are the molt dangerous. End- !ides was in fo deep an affalion to his own beauty, that he was. 'the pediment Becaufe affiliions are the be. witchi9gs of the heart. Plutarch, c9 Helrà Del_12io Di jg.mag. lib. t.c; . y;