Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

ATreatifeoftheAfeítions, bragging and Ranting, and challenging, and to be fird 65 and to be worfhipt at every word. Which a, wife man knows to be foppifh, and foolifh, and devillith. The a f fe- t-lions blinde the jndgernent, and befool the underífanding, and make a man to defend himfelf in a courfe which in ve- ry deed will leade him to hell. When the children of If- rael had let their affections on their lulls; Mofes thus (peaks to them. Do ye thus requite the Lord, ye foolifb people and renwifi ? Is not he thy Father ?&-c. Deut,3 a.6. Natural aff'eetion would leade a childe to be obedient to his father, and feeing their affections were croffe let, the Lord cals them a foolifh people. Their finful affections did befot them and befool them. Samofatenus was fo befotted with the love of a certain woman, that he forfook his faith and religion for her. I reade of a pretty parable to this purpofe. When Vly fl es had left his men with Circe the witch, the changed them all into diverfe forts of beafts, Dogs, Swine, Lyons, Tygers, VIy(Ps complained file had done him great wrong for changing his men into beafts on that fathion : wrong ? faies the : I have not done thee nor them any wrong. Doe but ask them now whether they doe not like the condition they are in. So Vly ffes de- manded firtl of the Hogge, whether he would be a man again or not. He anfwered no, by no means ; For now he could fill his belly, and lie down on the clunghil and fleep. And fo he demanded of the refs, and they all fave only the Elephant, they all replyed they had rather be beafts as now they were This parable is made to thew how the carnal affections befot one, to efteem the pleafures of fin, the gains and profits and beggerly things of the World, and prefer them before holinefï'e, and righteoufnefte, and purenef(e, and (lriftnefie of living. One, his affections be- fot him in a love - lock, or long hair, that he cannot be per- (waded to (have it off: another, his affections befot him in a Tobacco-pipe, another in a filthy gotten cuftome, another in fome other bafe haunt of the heart, all the K preaching cbr} f.bam. 7, 111164.