Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

66 ATreatife of the Af feaions. preaching under Heaven cannot difl'wade them, therefore they do fo efteem them and prize them, and think they are fo pleating : a noble minded Chriftían would wonder how it is poflible they can fo. 4 The Fourthly, Another let is, that as the affections are the affe. S c eflimations of the heart, fo they are the mall natural tem 1;n ,i mc: peramenrs of the heart. Spiritual and heavenly affections natur . are the good temper of the heart, and carnal or earthly temper; affbdions are the evil temper of the heart, and therefore ments of the hart. it's hard to change ones affefions, becaufe the heart it felt mutt be taken a- peeces as it were, if one would alter his affections. An earthly heart is not a right foyl for the fpiritual plants to grow in, Gardners have daily experi- ence what a coil they have to keep an herb from dying in their gardens, when the garden is not a right foyl for it : they are fain for to dig it, and dreffe it, and water it, and tend it, yet fcarce will it grow there when it is not a right foyl for it. Men mull get themfelves new hearts and new mindes, if ever they would have their affections renewed. Fafhion not your felves to the world, laies the Apoflle, but be ye tranfformrd by the renewing ofyour minde, Rom.; 2.2. Unleffe your minde be renewed, ye can never fpy a plea - fing fathion of the world, but O your affelions will be to it. When David had mifplaced his affections on Eathfbeba another mans wife, and his affeétions had been mad upon I adultery, and on murther, what does he doe ? He goes to God in praier for a new heart, he could never have new affeflions elle ; Create in me a clean heart, OGod, and renew a right Jirit Within me, Pfa. 5a. r o. He could not get new affeétions, till he had gotten a new heart. This is a mile - table impediment that lets multitudes of men and women from letting their affeffions upon God ; becaufe their hearts are not a right for fuch affections as there. May be they trim their affections; as the very heathens have done, with morality ; as a Barbor trims and (haves a mans head, but the hair grows again, becaufe the head is the hairs _ boy!.