Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

4 Treatije of the Afeaimns. foyl..So the carnal affeftions will grow again: fpiritual I and heavenly affeetions.will not grow there, for the heart is not a right foyl : and this is a fhrewd let, and you muff labour continually to remove it you with means haw And therefore, before I help } to fet your affections on God, let me give you thefe two grounds. Firít, You muff have this fame new heart, otherwife We r an,d ye cannotfet your affections on God. For there is a heart r r&eeour that will fet its affections on God, and there is a heart that, affiQiars will not. The Lord wifhes his people to have the former o, Goa, kinde of heart, the heart that will fet its affections on a we God. O that there Were fil have ch in them, that they Would new heart. fear me, and keep my Commandments alwaies, Dent. 5.29. There is fuch a heart beloved, O that we had it ; I fay, there is fuch a heart that will fear God, and fet all its affe- étions on God ; and fuch a heart ye muff get, or elfe it is in vain to command you this duty : all the Sermons (ye fee) are in vain that ye'have heard to this day ; all the exhortations and admonitions ye have had lince ye were, ye fee plainly they are in vain to many of you : as your affections were earthly twenty years ago, fo they are ftill ; as they were carnal and worldly heretofore, fo they are ail! ; your hearts are the fame hearts, your hearts are ffark . naught, and therefore your affections cannot fore up unto God. Ye can have no quick affections in praier, no melt- 1 ing affections at the word : The Sabbath comes, but your 1 aftèétions are not on it : a Sacrament comes, but what poor affeclions you have to it, your confciences may witneffe. Ye fit in your ihops, or ye follow your callings, or ye go about your earthly employments, and your affections are below ; s -Oalov `r' '7=6A AAlkevov, fazes Maximus, the Spar- rows foot is bound with a cord, fhe cannot fly up unto God; Your hearts are not fpiritual, and this is the caufe your aKeFtions are fo carnal. Peradventure ye lop off nów and then fome part of your carna l aßëétions, as Tar \ 67.