Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

68 Ç A Treaty of the Af fet`iionf. Eft Ada. ' lopt off the heads of his poppies, but ye do not cut up the tub ee. roots. It may be ye go about to heave up youraffecrtions tune, de in good duties fometimès; as the key lifts up the fpring in ird, fed the lock, but the key is no fooner turned but down goes Demo fan the fpring, fo down go your affe,1ians prefently again. apptirat. And therefore I premife this as a lid} ground, ye can ne- ver fet your affections on God, till ye have gotten new hearts. a,Ground The fecond ground is this, Ye can never fet your affeai_ Nor un_ on! upon God, unleff eyou feed upon Chri by fe t ó e the foul feed upon Chrift by faith, it cannot faith. ut fet its af- Chrifl. feflions upon God. I remember an invention of Qiieen ../Irtemefia, who when her husband Mauflus was dead, not knowing how to keep him frefh in her affeébons as long as fhe lived, fhe caufcdher husband Masrfol,ys his bo- dy to be turned into afhes, and mingled them in her drink'; fo fhe buried her husband in her bowels, and this way the took to keep her affeftions frefh unto him. This in- deed was unnatural in her, to eat and drink her own hus- band; but faith teacheth us to feed upon the Lord 7eftt Chrift : this will take off our affations from the world, we (hall never hunger after the world more, nor thirftaf- ter the things of this life more, if ever we feed upon.him I am the bread of life, faies.Chrift, he that cometh to me 'hall never hunger, and he that beleeveth on me 'hall never thirf, Joh.6.3 ç. If ever we beleeve the fweetneffe of the promi- fes of Chriff, the pleafantneffe of the commandments of Chrift, the precioufneffe of the graces of Chrift, and the love of Chrift, and the benefit of Chrift, our affections will be to him. Nothing can take offthy affections from the world but faith inChrift. He that beleeveth in Chrift cannot fet his affeC-ìions upon the world. Can a man let his affections upon the world, when he verily beleeves it to be droffe and dung in comparifon of Chrift ? Can he fet his affeetions upon earthly pleafure, that beleeves it. is madneffe ? It is certain, men never beleeved in Chrift:Gnce they