Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Tree3tieof the Af,ettioas. they were born, that fet their affeftrons upon the things of the world ; they have not one dram of Chrift. Chrift . is altogether lovely, Cant. 5.16 He it all love, one that commands the affeftrons. Thou beleeveft in the world and -not in Chrift,. if thou fet thine affeftions upon any other but Chrift. Thou beleeveft thou canif have pleafure and delight in forî tithing betide Chriff, profits and gains in fomething befide Chrift ; eafe, and content, and comfort in fomething befide Chrift ; if thou fet thine affeftions 'upon any thing befide Chrift. Alas ! thou canif never fet thine affeftions upon Chrift, as long as thou beleeveft not only in Chrift. If thine earthly affeftrons tranfport thee to be.earthly, fly under the wing of Chrift, as Chic- kens under the wing of the Hen, left the Kite devour them. Thefe are the two Grounds that I give you. Firft, ye muff have new hearts : and fecondly, ye muff be be- leevers in Chriff, or elfe ye cannót fet your affe&ions upon God. . ears to The' foundation being layd, let me now help you m n our af- with fome means to fet your affeftions on God. I could fet ns help you to abundance of means, but I delire to help on God. yqu to fuch means as are eafier to ufe, then to fet your affeilions on God. For if they be not eafier then this duty, they cannot properly be Paid to be helps to this. duty. The firft then is this, Often pray t - od that he Wouldga- I. P ró to ther tip our a f etlion.r from the thins of the world, and unite God o g them unto him. Our hearts are divided and fcattered up oar aff and down among the things of the world. Carnal friends áions - have fame of your affe lions ; our gains, and our livings, from the f and our ruaintenance,have other -force: our pleafures and .t 1i KS d. delights, and flefhly refrefhments, have other -force: our earthly bulineffes, and cares, and employments, our credit, and the like : thefe have abundance of our affeftrons, Thus our heart and àffeitions are fcattered up and down among the things of the world,; if ever we would have them feet .3 upon