Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Hierom in A9arcunJ. A Treati/e of ttie Affalions. upon God, we muff be frequent in praier; that God would unite together our fcattered hearts, to let our af- fe&ions upon God, This was the practice of David, O Lord, faies he, unite my heart to fear thy name, P10.86 I a, His heart was fcattered up and down in a thoufand peeces. Some peeces of his affections run after one thing, fouie af- ter another. And thérèfore be praies God to unite his heart together, to fear his Name. If God would once ga- ther up his heart from all its vain haunts, and unite it to- gether; then he cduld let his affeéfiors, his fear, and his love,and his delight,and the rat, upon Gods Name : Ieju- nio pagiones corporee, oration pefles fananda (tint mentes, faies. Hierom; as the affections of the body are to be healed by falling, fo the affections of the foul are to be healed by praier : as long as they are carnal, they are the plague and peffilence of the foul, and praier muff heal them. As Fa- ther Latimer laid to good Ridley, pray,pray, O pray, pray; fo may I fay, Pray, pray, I befeech you, pray unto God e- vermore, again, I fay, pray, I have not time to pray to of- ten, I do pray in the morning and evening, but my bufi- nef es are fo many, &c. This may be thou objefteff. Not time enough, fayft thou ? Finde out Tome odde times be- fides morning and evening : fleal into Tome corner or o- ther, belabour thy heart before God. O fayft thou, I finde it a hard thing to fhir up mine affetions, I am a very Stoick, novo innOñs, I have no affection, I cannot compel mine affections to God. Canif thou not? but thou canif compel thy heart for to pray; thou canif tug and pull at thy heart in thy praiers, and this will fetch up thine affe- ctions. Praier is not only a mouth to beg Phyfick, but alto it is Phyfick it fell, whereby Chrifl cures the affections óf the heart. The poor beggar, the more he is driven to beg, the more affeéfionate he is in defcribing his miferies s you (hall fee Tome beggars to let forth their mifery, and cry fo lamentably, as it would built a mans heart with pity and compaflion, ones bowels would even yearn but to hear them.