A Treatife of the AffefEion.c. Z Secondly,. Hence wemay learn, that We mull upon pain We are I o f God, infinite di jpleafnre, give him the zeal of our affe£lion.r : bound s0 whenfoever we pray, to pray to him zealoufly, bleeding give God . e, for our fnnes, and melting under our wants, and yearning @onsfor his graces. Whenfoever we praife him, to praife him thus zealoufly, rejoycing in his mercies, and admiring his goodnefl'e. Whenfoever we enter his Courts, to enter with zeal, reverencing his footflool, trembling at his Word; in all our waies feeking how we may be molt zealous of his glory : for if God demand the zeal of our affections, there jer 48.10. is no keeping back, Ananias was fmitten dead for keeping back a little piece of money,when God did demand it. Cur- led is he that keeps back a blow, when God doth call for it : God demandeth our zeal, and wo is us if we keep i back. 3 our aThirdly, Hence we may gather that we are in the frate tion of On pain damnation, if We do not give God the zeal of ffetâions ot amna, if God require it upon painofdamnation, and we are bid to give it him upon pain of his everlafting difpleafure, then certainly we muff needs be in a ¡late of damnation if we do not give it. Now this is proved by four Argu- ments. 1 Firff, That man is in the .late of damnation that pever repents. I need not prove that ye know it well enough ; he is lure to perifh that never repents. Though thou haft ta- ken up all the outward duties of religion, thou never re- penteft unleffe thou be zealous; if thou be zealous, then In cant, thou haft drawn out of Chrifts wine- feller, as Bernard ob- Bern, 49. _ ferves on the Canticles, Introdnxit me rex in cellam vinari- am, the King bath brought me into his wine- feller, he ex- pounds it of the fouls drawing of zeal from Chrift; but if thou beef} not zealous in repentance, thou never repent- eft. Be zealotu and repent, Rev.3.19. Firft, he (ayes, be zea- lous, and then he fayes repent. Firft, thou mutt refolve to be zealous, or elfe thou dolt not repent : If a man have wronged a neighbour though never to mean, he muli be lorry