ATreatile of the Affections, forry for it, or elfe he doth not repent of it : if a man have wronged a Noble- man, he muff be more lorry : for as the wrong is the greater, the greater the party wronged is, fo the greater is the förrow that is required to repentance. If a man have wronged the King, it muff be 'greater forrow yet, till the forrow be fomewhat 'anfwerable to the great - nefs of the King who is wronged. But if a man have wrong- ed a God, this mull be the greateft forrow of all forrows, otherwife thou doll not repent. Repentance is the rending or breaking of the heart, fo fayes the Prophet- Joel, it is not a lukewarm, or a little grief that will break the heart. Repentance is the humbling of the foul, fayes David, it is not a little bowing and a little bending will humble it be- fore God. Repentance is the mortifying or the killing of fin, as Pao/cats it : alas 1 finne is like the heart of Oke that will be a hundred years a dying, fo fin will be long a dying, it is not a little pricking and a little compunftion will kill it Repentance is called repentance unto life, in the Scripture ; it is not a little chafing, and a little rubbing, and a little Aqua -vita will fetch a man from 'death unto life : No, no, beloved : thou never repentelk unlefle thou be zealous. And therefore the Apottle makes zeal a part of repentance, 2 Cor.7.i I. No zeal, no repentance : no repentance, no fal- vation. 2. That man if in the frate of damnation that is not a beleever in Chrift : if a man be not in Chrift by a lively faith, he cannot be faved. The Prophet prophefying of Chrift, faith thus : V nto us a childe is born, and he .All be called Wonder- ful, the Prince of peace : and the zeal of the Lord of boils (hall perform this, Ifa.9.6,7. Never is Chrift conceived in any man under heaven, but the zeal of the Lord of Hofts Both perform it : Doth he enlighten the minde, or purge the heart, or eleanfe the confcience ? zeal does perform it. Can I be fo in love with Chrift, as to deny my felt for him, a od not be zealous to him ? Can I count all my parts, andaall my gifts, and all that I have, as Paul did, to be droffe. nd 129