Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

r ATreatife of the AffeEHions. dung for the worth I finde in Chrift, and not be zealous of him ? Can I hunger after him, and pant for him, and be lick of love till I have him,and not be zealous towards him ? Thus we mull doe, otherwife we are not in Chrift, And therefore Mofes confounds faith and zeal, as-if they were all one, and both in one. Phinehas was zealous for Gods fake, Numb. 25.21. That is, he was zealous and faithful both, for fo the Pfalmift expounds it, that was counted to him for righteoufneffe, oyes he, that was, fpeaking of his zeal in executing of judgement, that was counted to him for righteoufneffe. Now ye know nothing can be counted to a man for righteoufneffe, but only faith, and therefore by zeal there is meant faith. This is an undeniable argu- ment, If a man have faith, he is zealous, otherwife he bath no faith. If he have no faith, he cannot be faved. 3. That man is in the fiate of damnation that loves not God. He that loves not the Lord Jefus Chrift, let him be Anathe- ma Maranatha, that is, let him be accurfed and accurfed, for it is the greateft curfe in the world, it is the curie of the Gofpel, Let him be accurfed, and double accurfed, that loves not Chrift. Now a man never loves God, if he be not zealous : qui non zelat, non amat : He that is not zea- lous jn love does not love, love is termed zeal in the Scri- pture. lehu, indeed the truth was, he had no love to God, he thought he had though ; and therefore when he would tell Iehonadab he had love to God, he tels it in thefe words, Come and fee my zeal I have to the Lord of Hob; 2 King. io,16. That is, fee the love that I bear to the Lord ofHofts, Zelus,debet of e non modi in a(fel7u, verumetiam in intellel7H, is a faying : zeal mutt be in the minde, and zeal muff be in the affections, both are required to this zeal that I fpeak of. If thou beeft not zealous, it is molt certain, thou haft not a jot of true love Zeal is more feen in that affection then any, if there be any; and therefore if there be no zeal in thee to God and his wayes, there is no love, thou art yet under wrath. 4. That eaga¡l.