Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

ATreatife of the AleEtions. 131 4. That man is in the (late of damation, that Was never taught of God-. Chrift promifes that all that are his (hall be taught of God ; taught of God to be holy as he is holy ; taught of God to love one another; taught of God to walk in all newneffe of life. Every man look what he is taught in, therein he is zealous. Paul before he ; astir. was converted , he was taught in the ceremonies and d drelt good his Fathers, and therefore therein was he zealous. I was traditions of taught, fayes he, according to the per- fed manner of the Law of the Fathers , and was zea- lous, Act. 2. a.3 Alas ! poor foul, had hebeen better taught, he had been better zealous. I doe not (peak of the out- ward reaching of the ear only, but alfo of the inward teaching of the heart; his very heart, fuch was the policy of Satan, his very heart was taught in thole things, and therefore he was zealous of them. The covetous mans heart is taught to be earthy,therefore he is zealous for the world. The proud mans heart is taught to be proud, therefore he is zealous for his credit and efteern. The voluptuous mans heart is taught to be vain, therefore he is zealous of his pleafures. Alas ! fuch were never taught of God. The devil teaches them, and their lufts teach them, and the exam - pies of others teach them. Alas ! if thou beeft not taught of God, how to walk in newneffe of life, thou canft not be I faved ; it is better to be unborn then untaught; and this as proverb. you fee, cannot be without zeal unto God. 5. That man is in the ftate of damnation, that cannot yet yt pitied. If thou beeft zealous for the things of this life, and not zealous for heaven : zealous for thy pleafure, and not for Gods glory, thou art not to be pitied ; and thou wilt have pleafures, take them, and thou wilt to hell, goe, who will pity thee ? Deformity fcelerts aufert neifericordi- am : It is true, it would pity a mans heart to fee a poor foul weeping and howling for his (inns, and yet go to hell. It would pity a man to fee a blinde Papift whipping himfelf, praying on his Beads, giving all his goods to the poor, con- g