Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

i32 6 Treatìfe. o}'the Affalions. Zeal isthe fire of the foul,, felling his fins to his Confeffor, falling and of lieling his body, zealous in his blinde fuperflition, and all to fave his poor foul, and yet go to hell ; it would pity a mans heart I fay, td fee fuch a man goe to hell, as how can he other - wife ? yet it Would pity a man, becaufe he is zealous for God, in the blindeneffe of his zeal : As it pitied the Apo- file to fee his brethren go to hell, that were blindely zea- lous for God. Brethren, my hearts delire, and prayer to God for Ifracl is, that they may be faved ; for I bear them record, they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge, Rom. to. 1,2. It pitied him that fuch as were blindely zealous for God Mould perifh. But whom will it pity to fee thee go to hell ? thou halm no zeal at all that way, No, no, thou art zealous after the things of this life, and after thy lulls, as God told Ierufalem, who flail have pity upon thee, o Ieru/alem ? Thou haft forfaken me, (ayes he, ler. t 5,5. Who will pity our drunkards and our whore- mongers? who will pity you that are zealous in your fins and abominations ? ye are not fu much as the objec`ls of pity. Is it fo, that the zeal of our af%ftions is due only to God ? Is it fo, that God does demand it Y and that we are bound upon pain of death and damnation to give it to God ? Is it fo, that we never repented, we never beleeved, never were in Chrifl, never loved God, never were taught of God, never can be pitied, unlefTe we give the zeal of our affeftions unto God ? Then, O then; let us confider the lamentable condition we are in, as long as the zeal of our affeion runs otherwife. I befeech you confider thefe eight things, which may convince you what a woful condition ye are in. First, Zeal is the fire of the foul. Look what thou art moil zealous upon, that fets thy foul in a fire: Every man ,and woman in the world is let on fire of hell or of heaven. Now if heaven have not let thee on fire, hell hath let thee on fire, thou art fet on fire of one of thefe two. As it is the blelledeft thing,