A Tieatife of the Affections. 133 thing that can be to be Pet on fire of heaven, to be zealous' for the glory of God, and the Paving ones foul ; zealous for the getting of grace, and zealous in the duties of reli- gion : fo on the contrary, it is the curfedft thing that can poflibly be, to be Pet on fire of hell. Thou which art a fwea- rer, a lyar, a filthy fpeaker, whole mouth talketh of vani- ty, thy tongue is fet on fire of hell ; the tongue is fa- on fire of hell, fayes the Apoí le, lam. 3.6. Thou which art a vo- luptuous man,thatloved thy pleafures,and delighteft in va- nity more then in better things, thy heart is Pet on fire of hell: thou which yeeldeft to the temptations of Satan, the devil tempts thee to go proudly in thine apparrel, and thou yeeldeft : the devil tempts thee to fmother thy con- fcience, and thou confenteft. The devil tempts thee to put off thy better obedience till another time, and the tempta- tion takes hold; there is never a temptation of Satan, but it is a fiery dart, the fiery darts ofthe devil, Eph6.16. Well does the Apottle call them fiery.darts of the devil, fayes Saint Chryfoftome, gctx"vmu yS aî c mvr '4 > for fuch, (ayes he Cbryfofi, are the finfull lulls and affec°'tions ; they are all fiery, let on fire of hell ; this is one mifery, and this not a fmall one ; ' zeal is the fire of the foul, and if it be not let upon God, it is let on fire of hell.. Secondly, Zeal is the running of the foul. If thou beeft Zeal ís the not zealous for God, thou runneft away after the things of Z al IS , this world ; thou dolt not only go after vanities, but thou o; the (oul runneft; not only go after thy pleafures and thy profits, but thou runneft. As the áffeCtions are the feet of the foul, fo zeal is the fwift running pace of thefe feet. I will run the way of thy Commandments, (ayes David, that is, I will be zealous in it. It is a long way to heaven,efpecially now lince the fall,it is a very long way to.heaven,and death will over- take us before ever we can get there, unleffe we run; and tI therefore Saint Pau! commands us to run fall enough, left we never get there. So run that ye mes) obiain;- i Cor.g - ^ -4 INow had ioe not need to fet our zeal right ?'for that wWy S3