Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

134) A Treatije of the Affections. we run, that way our zeal !lands. If the zeal of our affefti_ 1 on Eland to Godwards, we run onwards to heaven ; but if it Rand to the things here below, we run onwards to hell. Nero. * I reade of Tiberius Nero, who when his brother Drufus r lay tick in Germany, he ran two hundred miles in twenty four hours to vifit him. But we may finde ranker run- ners then fo in finne; fome in drunkenneffe and good fel- lowfhip, as they call it; others in fecurity and hard. neffe of heart; others in one fin, and others in another. and as they run themfelves, fo if there be any that are ftri= cter then themfelves, they wonder that they run not with them to the fame exceffe of ryot, i Pet.4,4. Mark, run not with them, where note, themfelves run into ryot. May be fometimes they have fudden and violent affections to good as if they were all on a fire for the prefent, like the young man in the Gofpel, he came running to Chrift, and kneeled down to him, fayes the Text, Mnr. Io 17. O he was all upon the halle. he does not goe to him, but he runs; as many men and women have verygood moods and violent pangs of goodneffe now and then, but alas ! it was nothing but a flafh, for by and by he was as ready to be gone, as ever he was hafty to come ; and then he ran on in his fecu- rity and coveteoufneffe of minde. Do ye not fee how fait many of you run on in arerages with God ? If we could fee Gods debt -book, might we not there reade. Item, ten thoufand oaths thou haft fworn. Item, millions pfmillions of filthy words thou haft fpoken. Item, a hundred millions of millions of wicked thoughts thou haft thought. Item, a thoufand lazie prayers thou haft made. Irem,_o,hundred Sabbaths thou hall prophaned. Item, fourty Sacraments thou hall unworthily received : Thus ye have run on, as if ye thought every day (even years till ye are in hell Thus Zeal is the it is with you, when your zeal is let any where elfe then on predomi. God. nane ele Thirdly, Zen/ is the predominant element in the oul. Look ment in the foul, what the foul is zealous unto, that is the predominant tern- per