Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

A T'reatife o f the Affeetions: 13S per of the foul : if thou heel zealous for God, Chrift is predominant in thee : if thou beef} zealous for the things of this world, the world is predominant in thee, Non d4tur teraperamentum ad pondtes, (ayes the Philofopher, there is no temper but fomething is predominant. You never heard of a foul that had as much of the world in him as of Chrift, and of Chrift as of the world : No, as he is zealous to one thing, fo one thing or other is predominant in him. Men - pleafìng is predominant in one, pride predominant in ano- ther, and pleafure predominant in a third. Whatfoever a man is zealous unto, that is his predominant element : Now if thine affections, if the zeal of them be not pet upon God, then fomething or other in the world is predominant in thee. O what a mifery then is it to be leffe zealous for God then for the world ! the world is predominant in thee, this is the charmer of one that yet is no better then a re- probate ; Lovers of pleafure more then lovers ofGod, 2 Tim. 3,4, when pleafure is predominant and not God. He that loveth father or mother more then me, is not worthy of me, d-c. fayes Chrift, Mat. 10.37. when carnal relations are predominant, and not fpiritual, this I fay is an evident character of a wicked man : for what difference is there between a godly man and wicked man ? both have finne in them ; this is the difference : a godly man bath fin in him, but grace is predominant, and therefore he is called a god- 1, ly man : A wicked man bath many good graces in him, but finne and wickednefl'e is predominant, and therefore he is called a wicked man; the denomination is from the part that is predominant. The heath of the earth, be- caufe the earth is predominant : the fifhes of the Sea, be- caufe the water is predominant ; a brick -houle, not as though there were no wood in it, but becaufe brick is pre- dominant. Mark all thy thoughts which is predominant in thee, the world or Chrift : mark all thy fpeeches, which is predominant, earth or heaven ; mark all thy cares, which is predominant to bufie thee molt : O what a wofull eftate art thou