Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

A Treadle of the Alf alions. comes to the Sacrament unworthily, or unpreparedly, or not a new creature, he eats and drinks bis own damfiation : thou knoweft this well enough, thou knowefl that the Lord fayes fo in his Word. Yet thou art fo cruell to thy own foul, that for all this thou wilt venture : thou knoweft, that he that comes to this (upper without a wedding-gar- ment (hall be call into utter darkneffe, where is weeping and. gnafhing of teeth ; thou knoweft this full well, and thou can(' not deny it. Yet thou art fo cruell to thy own foul, as to come hither without it : thine affeftions are fo eager after the things of this life, the very zeal of them all, that thou art even cruell to thine own foul, Darn -s ut infe- ri, as cruell as hell it felf to thy felf. O the cruelty of thine earthly zeal ; it makes thee fearleffe and witleffe to finne againft God, which the Angels of heaven durft not doe for a thoufand worlds. It makes thee finne againft Chrift, and oft off his yoke, without which thou canft be never faved ; it makes thee choak the motions of Gods Spi- 'rit, and ftrangte thine own confcience, Darns at in fe- ri telas, may we well fay ; this zeal is as cruell as hell, and yet it is in every one of us all, that is not zealous for God. Fifthly, Zeal is the, brand ,of the fñul: When a man i3 zealous in any pailion, whatever it be, we fee it Pets a brand upon a man; we call him a cholerick man, that is zealous with anger; he is very touchy, fay we. We call him a fret ful, envious man, that, is zealoufly given thereunto. We call him a melancholy man that is much in his fadneffe. Zeal which is the Much of every affeclion, it fets a brand . upon a man. So when a man is zealous for good, it Pets a good brand úpon a man, as eAmilius, for his goodneffe, was called 0./Etnilins the good. Antoninoos for his piety was called Anteninus the pious : Co in Scripture one Barfabas was called Iooftus the juft. So it fhould feem too, that Si- mon was a noted man for fome.pailìonate and affeftionate forwardneffe, and therefore he was called Simon Zeloh s, 137 Zeal is the rond of the foui. dmbro/ AQ.t.2;.