Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

138 J- ATreatife of the APeEhogs. that is, Sinoo,P the zealous, Luk6. i 5. And fo we fee though it be counted a mockage by the ignorant world, it is obier_ ved by them which are without, that Gods people are zea- Ious.Lookwhatever a man is zealous in,that is able to brand him. Now if thou beefl zealous for the world, or zealous after thy pleafures or any thing elfe in the world, it brands thee in the forehead for a carnal wretch : as Elymar the forcerer, hsdu the traytor : It fligmatizes thee for a world- hog, or a drunkard, or a company-keeper, or voluptuous, or whatever it be thy zeal is molt in. Every man is more zealous for one thing then he is for another, either for God, or fomething elfe in the world ; die C.ueflion is whether art thou mole zealous for? if thou beeft more zealous for any thing elfe then thou art for God, it brands thee for a wretch. Such an one a very worldling ;. fuch an one a very muck-worm ; fuch an one a very fpend- thrift ; fuch an one a very gamefler and a royfler; fuch an one a very ruler ; fuch an one an Orlawdo Furio/o : fuch an one a hard man; Look where thy moll is, that does truly brand thee before God and good men that are able to difcern thee. The