Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

><40 ATreatije of the f feE-tions. for him it was good : for now on the contrary, if a mans affedtions be let upon the things of this life, he mutt have pléafures, and he muff have his living and his maintenance, and he muff have this, his affections are fet on it, he is zea- lous after them : this man is not his own man, he is a fer- vant òf his lulls. As David Paid, I am thine, Lord: fo lie may fay on the contrary, I am thine, World, I am thine Plea - lure, I am thine Satan, I am at thy command and thy fer- vice. As the Text (ayes, Paul a fervant of Jefus Chriff, Jude a fervant of Jefus Chriff, for they were zealous for Chrift, and their zeal made them not their own men : fo I may fay of a wicked man, Lfau a fervant of finful pleafure and de- lights,-Demar a fervant of this prefent world, Dìotrephes a fervant of his own ambition; for they were zealous of thefe things, and their zeal made them (laves thereto. Who - foever committeth fin is the fervant of fin, Ioh.8.34. (ayes Chrift to the Jews ; fervant ? fay they, we were never fer- vants, we are free : fervants, (ayes he, yea, ye are the fer- vants of finne, ye go about to kill me, (ayes he. Are not ye the (laves of finne, when ye will be obedient to your lulls, to doe fisch an ill office as to murther me ? I know there be two kindes of (laves and fervants; Tome that are in arïtâ cuftodiit, clofe prifoners ; Such fervants of finne are they, that are kept fo clofe, that they cannot go one ftep be- yond prophaneffe. Some in libera cuftodia, are falle prifo- ners. When a mans lulls hold him in a longer chain, like birds in a larger Cage, which may be is free to bea prò- feffour, and come to Church, and hear, and pray, and be civil! ; and when he is once at the length of his chain, his fulls pull him back : the former are affections Galliflaves, chained to their feats and their oars; the latter are their fluggi(h meffengers, to go up and down of their errand. And therefore the devil which takes all advantages of a mans affections, is laid to hold him captive at his pleafure, s Tim.2.26. O fayft thou, I am not the devils captive at his pleafure, I will not fwear, nor fwagger, nor be drunken as force