ATreatif'e of the AeEtions. fome will; alas,alas lit is not the devils pleafure to have thee a drunkard or a fwearer, it is his pleafure to ufe his fervants force for one fervice, force for 'another : it is not his pléafure to employ thy tongue in fwearing; No,he'l employ thy tongue only in talking civilly of the things of the world. It is not his pleafure to ufe thee for drunken- neffe and whoredom, but to go on in fecurity and formali- ty, and prefumption. O what a` hideous cafe art thou in, 4 9e4117'4 the zeal of whole affections is not let upon God ! What '1'62 °4 y. ri will not thine affections command ? and then if they corn- (forte, cer. mand thou art not thine own man, thou muff obey. Let yams have coveteoufneffe command ; how wilt thou curtail thy pray- no lcilure. ers to God in the morn ? how feldom wilt thou be think- ing of God all the day ? how wilt thou cark, and pinch and fpare ? Let mirth and jollity command- thee, how wilt thou jell, and fool, and hoit, and play, and giggle, and mock,any` thing for pallime ? Let revenge command thee, how anger lywilt thou look? how fnappifhly wilt- thou fpeak? how churlifhly wilt thou bend thy fig ? or how bafely wilt thou íludy to do a difpleafure ? how apt to mifconftrue what thy neighbour doth ? how ready to entertain any flying rumour of him ? -thus thou art not thine own man, but healed, and hurried up and down by thine unruly affections, till they have undone thy foul for ever. O confider then the woful- neffe of this thy gallery, when the zeal of thine affections is thus disjoyned from God. Confider quickly if thine af- fec?ions keep thee iri fervice long, they'l keep thee, ever ; the longer a man flays in fervice, the more fool he is. Alrerieis ne fit, qui fiats of ie poseff : In the Law of God it is written, that if a fervant after feven years bondage did í1i11 love his Mailer, the Law fayes thus, let his Mailer boar his ears, and make him ferve for ever, Exad.2 i,.. well, take heed, thou loveft to live on as thou doll, and thou likeft thy flavifh courfes too too well, take heed, I fay, left thine ears be nayled to thine arfeaions, and thou be made a (lave for ever. I fear me, we have many of fuch flaves, their. ears T 3 boar'd.