142 7 Zeal is the Itrength of the foul ATreßti /e of the Affetiions. boar'd with an awl, and their fouls then bound pren:ice for ever to the waies of Death. Seventhly, Zed is ah: ftrength of the foul, zeal carries all the ftrength of the foul with it, leaves none behinde. And therefore the Scripture puts thefe two things together, ones zeal and his ftrength. Lord, where is thy zeal and thy ftrength? /ayes the Prophet, Ira. 63..t5. If he ask where his zeal is, he asks where his ftrengh is? for zeal is the ftrength of the foul. Ye know lacob wreltled with God for a bleffing, and his effe fuall fervent prayer prevailed, but how does God expreffe it? be expreffes his seal thus. By his ftrength he had power with God, Hof, r z. ;. his prayer was a zealous prayer, and therefore it was a prayer with ftrength, by his ftrength he had power with God. He pray- ed, and he prayed with lrength, he laid all his arength that he could -on the duty, and by his ftrength he had pow - er with God. Look what a man is zealous unto, all his ftrength goes to it, he leaves none behinde. O the mifery ofa carnal heart, thatis not zealous for God, he-bath no Itrength at all left for God, or thefaving of his foul, Would he pray ? alas ! he bath no ftrength to pray with. His pray- ers are as weak as bul-rufhes. Would he refill fin ? he bath no firength to refill it with. His (hiving to refill it is no- thing able. O how hardy is he to commit fin ! the charges and the colt that is in drinking does not terrifie the drun- kard from his drunkenneffe, the colt that is in garifh appar- rell does not terrifie the proud from their vanity in cloaths. The difgrace that is in Gnne does not terrifie the Adulterer from his lull. The fear of fathers and mothers difpleafure does not terrifie the fpend-th rift from his ryot. No, wicked men are hardy that way, becaufe their zeal goes that way. But to that which is good, how Weak.is thy heart ? Ezek. t 6. 3o. nihil metuendum vidit, met-nit tamen : the leaft croffe look of a father, or a mother, or a great man, fcares him. One twelve -penny charges affrights him : One petty diffi- culty damps him, becaufe his zeal ¡lands towards another point;