A Tt'eata`fe o f tbe Aeetiotis; point; take him at the plough, there he can be ftrong to la- hour, he'l toyl, he'! fweat, he'l hold out. Take him at prayer, he is as weak as water; take him at a Tale or a Story, he'! remember it well, and repeat it after you, his memory is ftrong; take him at a Sermon, his memory fails him; take him in a bulneffe to manage, his wit is ftrong, his parts ftrong, he hath an excellent reach but take him in mortification, he is as weak as a man without under - flanding. This is the mifery of thy foul, when thy zeal is not let upon God. The devil is the flrong man, Mat.' a. 29 and thou haft no flrength to encounter him ; thy lofts are ftrong to inthrall thee, and thou hall no flrength to be free, and yet thou pifheft at there things : Men think nothing of the devil, as though he were nothing but a fcare -crow, they delle him every hour in the day, they Jeff at him, laying, the devil is a fool, they'! paint him on their teals, and call for him as though they would give him a challenge. I re- member a pretty Proverb, that I reade the Germans have, Non pingendaes eft Diabolus in pariete, quia fponte flea vent. Paint not the devil on the wall, he'l come foon enough of his own accord. Iam lure, he comes too foon to beguile men, too loon to bewitch and befool men, too loon to difarm men from all flrength to that which is good. If he can once let thine affeilions on the things of this life, he hath gotten the victory, and thou art not able to re- cover. Eighthly, Zeal is the full confidence of the foul : that does aman chieflyeft truft to, which he is zealous upon. He that is zealous for the world he truth to the would, other - wife he would not be zealous for it. He trufts to have plea- lures, and he trolls to have goods, and he truth to be e- fteemed that is zealous about them. What, do you tru fl to bear all before you ? as we ufe to fay, when we fee a man hot and zealous upon any thing, the foul would not be zealous but that it verily trufls to prevail. Thus fhall mine anger be accomplifhed, and they ¡hall know that I the 8, Zeal is the confidence of the foul Sperant omnee quæ cupiunt ni. mds, Cage_ Lucian.