Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

144 1 A Treatife of the Affefiións. the Lord have fpoken it in my zeal, Eze i ;. God was confident of the fullfilling of his wrath, why ? becaufe he had fpoken in his zeal. Indeed God may well be fo, were he neverf o little angry : but the words do expreffe the na- ture of zeal. It's the full truft of the foul tofpeed. A wife man wikl not be hot upon any thing, ùnleffe he truft to go through flitch. If zeal then be the full truft of the' foul, what a mad man art thou not to be zealous for God. Thou trufleftto-the world, and truftefl thy pleafures, and truft- eft thy paflions, thou doll not truft God. If thou truftedlt the Lord God, thou wouldeft be zealous for God. Alas, alas ! thou canft not truft God, thou never laboureft to pleafe him.. He that depends on a man, and muff be for to truft him for help and affïftance, he will not offend him. Alas !what truft can he have to him, if he offend him con- tinually ? when the Sydonians and the Tyrians had offend- ed K. Herod, their countrey being nourifhed by the Kings countrey, AIIi.r2 20. they laboured to pleafe him again. So if thou wouldefl truft Almighty God, thou wouldlt labour to pleafe-him, and to be zealous for his Name; and not make him thine enemy by thy finnes and iniquities, Thou which blafphemefl his Name with thine oaths,and abufefl his crea- tures with thine intemperance, and prophaneft his Ordinan- ces with.thy careleffeneffe and negleti, and difpleafeft him all the year long. Alas ! how canft thou truft him ? thou makelt him urine enemy ; can(' thou truft one that he'l be- friend thee, that vows he will hang thee ? canft thou truft he'! help thee at all hands, that is provok't to undoe thee ? thou art a damned man, ifGod do not pardon thee. Thou art à wofull wretch, better thou hadli never been born, if God give thee not grace. And canft thou truft God he will be good to thee : what and difpleafe him day by day -? of- fend him every foot ? No, no, thou mayfitruft'him, he will confound thee. Thou which art a lyar, thou mayft' trù(l Rev.ai.s. him what he fayes in the Apocalyps. All lyars (hall be call . into the lake of brimflone. Thou which art a fwearer, máyll truft