A rreatife of tbe Affeaions, truft him, he'l never hold -thee guiltleffe. Thou which art I a drunkard, and a company - keeper, and a whore- monger, mayft truft him, thou (halt never inherit the Kingdom of Heaven; thou which talkeftidlely and improfitably, mayft truft him, he'l call thee to an account at the day of judge- ment. Thou which hardeneft thy neck againft the reproofs of the word, mayft tru(l him, he'l deiroy them without re- medy ; this he hath part his word he will do and herein thou mayft truft him : thou canft never truft him for mer- cy or grace or any good thing ; thou difpleafeft him daily, and makeltl him thine enemy. And how canfl thou truft him ? what thinkeft thou ? does not he know how little thou caret for his Commandments ? how little thou re- fpeieft his Ordinances ? how barely thou ufeft him in thy waies ? indeed if thou wert zealous for his glory, and zea- lous to pleafe him in holineffe of life, and zealous to obey him, and leek him, then thou mighteft truft him. Thou canft never truft him otherwife. By this time thou mayft fee what a woful condition thou art in, if the zeal of thineaffe- etions be not let upon God. But many poor fouls maÿ demand, how then !hall I Suns know whether the zeal of mine affe&ions be let upon God ? Whether of thine I anfwer thee : There are feven figns whereby thou mayft the ztal r know it. The firft, If thine a f fet7ions be notable to God-ward : he -Et-eft-tons a a man b t on may have a little hope. and a little grief, and a little joy, God. and a little pity, and no body fee it. But if it be zealous, it t Sign. will quickly be notable ; every one, when once it is zealous, tf thine every one will note it. When Epaphraa was zealous to fave he notable fouls in Colojf what (ayes Saint Pals/of him ? I bear him to d - Go record, he hath a great zeal for you, (ayes he, Colo(4; r 3, ward. Paul could not but note it "in'him, he law fo many ftr-ong expreffions of it. 1 This holineffe and forwardneffe is very remarkable, But i if on the-contrary there be no notable exnreliionsof grace I in ÿöú, alas . there-may be fotne- goodneffe; tome pity,,foîtie U grief,!