6 ATreatife of the A, feEiiour._ igrief,fome motions ; but this is no zeal,it is not remarkable. If a man be zealous for the world, his fcraping and fparing 4s notable, his toyling . and ltud in and talking that way is very notable. I will bear him record, he is a worldling; the world is fo much in his fpeeches,the world is fo much in his courfes,and fo much in his face. Look upon his wayes, he is focombred with thoughts of the world : Look into his fa- mily, there be fo few good duties of grace, and fo many to- kens of the world : Look upon his meetings, his difcourfes of edifying are fo fcarce, and of the world are fo copious, I will bear him in record, he is a worldling. Were we zea- lous for God, there would be divers figns and exprefl'ions of our zeal unto God. Saint Paul when he would make it plain to the Corinthians, that he was an Apoftle to them, he tels them, truly the figns of an Apof le were wrought among you, a Cor. 12. T2. If we were zealous for God, ye might anfwer, Truly the figns of true zelots are wrought among us : ye that profeffe Chrift, what figns of true zelots are therein you ? if your brethren be fecure and grown dull, do ye labour to quicken them ? if the Gofpel do not thrive, do ye labour to further it? if grace be little furring in the Parifh, does Heaven ring with your groans, and your pray ers ? if zeal were exiftent among you, it would be notable and remarkable among you we might fay, I bear you re-1 cord it is fo, nay, the wicked without would obferve it, we bear them record, they keep a great fir about heaven, our lives would convince them. May be they would hate us and i reproach us the more : but this is certain, our lives would convince them, as Chrift's did the Centurion, elives btief e this is a righteous man, Lsk. 23.47 your convince all their confciences ; doubtleffe they are aria men, douhtleffe they are humble, and meek, and religious. Thus it would be, were we zealous. But if our religion be not notable, hardly notable to our felves, we can hardly tell whether we have2trne faith and repentance, and zeal atoll, yea or nó:. mach le& notable to, others, it is be