Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

ilTreatift of the Afections, be feared ye are not zealous for God. The fecond fign of zeal towards God is, to be impatient a, of finne. Zeal, as aforefaid, is the impatient part of the af- If }bon feltions : if a man do affect a thing but a little, he can be bell patient without it; but if he aflelt it very deep and with amof zeal, O his affeftions are fet on it, and he is impatient if Cnue. he fpeed not. So that if thou beef} zealous againl} fin, thou art impatient of fin, thou cant} not fuffer it. Zeal is impati- ent of whatever is contrary to it. That this is the nature of zeal, you may fee by the poor blinde zeal that was in Paid before his converfion : he was zealous to God as he thought, and thinking that the Church ofChrif} were con- trary to all men, enemies to God and man, therefore now in the blindeneffe of his zeal he perfecutes that way unto death : Concerning zeal Iperfecuted the Church, Phil. ;.6. It was a woful kinde of zeal to perfecute the Church, but yet there you may gather the nature of zeal, it cannot a- bide that which is contrary : and therefore if thou beefs zealous againf} fin, thou cant} not abide fanne; better jour - ney, riding, ftudies, prayers, exhortations, any courfe thou it : thou canf never abide an thing that is difpleafing toe God, but refit} it to the utmof}, and this refitting will be, Firf} Univerfal If thou beef} zealous, there is no finne I. thou cant} pofíibly abide. Nothing is cold but the fire does Z:ai can_ refill: it; fo nothing is fin but zeal does refill it to the utmoft. not abide I ef}eem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right ; any finne. I hate every falfeWay, Pfa.t i9.t 28. This is zeal indeed, there is never a falfe way that a man can abide that is zealous, To be zealous againf} one finne, and lukewarm againf} another, this is not zeal. Secondly, General, in all manner ofperfons. FirfI, In afriend as Well as in an enemy : If thou beet} zea- Y lous, thou wilt finde fault With thy friends when they fin, I pc an as well as obferve a fault when thine enemy offendeth. Men i C1f:;, are apt to obferve when their enemy finneth_, O how un -1 In fr,tnd. U 2 confcionable 147