148 d Treatìfe of the 4f feetions. confcionable is he ! thus he bath done, and fo he bath done ; but if thou beeft zealous, when thy friend does tranfgreffe, thou wilt not abide it. Fire will not only la- bour to confume the water that comes to put it out, but alfo the wood that comes to maintain it. So it is with zeal, Do not I hate them that hate thee ? fayes David to God, P fal. t 39 21. He could not abide to count them bis friends that were not friends unto God, though other - wife they were very friends unto him, and may be faved his life, and were patrons and benefactors unto him, he could not wink at their fins, becaufe they were his friends: though thy friend be a fwearer or a carnal wretch, yet if he be thy friend, and thou dependeft upon him, thou canft fee it and not fee it ; but if thou beeft zealous, all his fins thou wilt count difcourtefies to thee. E. Secondly, In ones childe as well as a fervant, you fhall have many, they are angry at every fin a fervant commits ; but if their children do fin, they connive ; it was no fuch great fault, alas I he did it unwittingly, and what would ye have a and t; but they thou beeft zealous,ithon cant dren, lefien it ; not abide finne in thy fon any more then a fervant, thou wilt corree him, and curb him, and threaten him, and counfell him, and never endure he fhould fin, if thou cane1 poflibly help it. What, my fon, and be wicked ? what doe I love God, and (hall I fuffer my loins to dithonour him? Son,,know thou the God of thy father, otherwife I count thee a baftard, and no fon. This brake old Elffes neck, be- caufe he fuffered his Ions to be- wicked, when he by godly fevrit might have remedied it. A zealous man fonebath committed things worthy of death, will not him, Zech. t 3.3. Thirdly, In ones own wife or husband, or father or mo- ther, as well as in a neighbour, zeal cannot abide it ;. hus- band thou doff not love me as long as thou liveli thus; wife, thy heart is not with me as long as thou dolt this; ow In chalk. 3 In wife or husband.