Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

A Treatife of the 149 how canti thou love me when thou doti not love God nor thine own foul ? this is the meaning of our Saviour : ifany l come to me, and hate not father and mother, andWife, and chid-1 dren, and brethren, andfillers, yea, and his own life, he cannot be my D fciple, Luk.i4.26. A zealous man cannot abide to yield to fin, for the belt of them all. Fourthly, Inc rich man as Well as in a poor man, if thou been zealous, thou canti not abide fin, neither in the rich, nor in the poor : if poor men offend, and if beggars be idle I and ungodly, then thou wilt complain; Oh, the poor are fo wicked, they break down our hedges, who would re- leeve them ? they will not be orderly, they lie drinking in . Alehoufes, and fpend it away on the pot, thereforewho would releeve them ? But if the rich be keepers of compa- ny, and vain in their pleafures, thou art not fo zealous a- gainft their fins, alas !this is no zeal : but let a wicked man be as great as King Ahab, Micaiah will deal roundly with him. Nehemiah will not fpare Lords nor Nobles when they fin, Neh. t 3.17. Fora Magifrate to punifh poor Malefa- Ftors, and not the Gentry, when they do tranfgreffe; is this zeal ? no it is curled partiality. Fifthly, In ones felf, rather then in any body elfe ; true zeal is more zealous.againft finne in ones felt then in all the [n ones world befides; othérwife,fayes our Saviour, it is hypocri- iel& fie and not zeal. Thou hypocrite, fill cuff ot.t the beam ont of thine own eye, and thou (halt fee clearly to ca.FI out the mote out of thy brothers eye, hlat.5.7. Zeal I fay, is like unto fire, it is hot it fell fidt, before it heat others : maybe the fire meets with many other things that it is not able to heat, as the bottom of a kettle of water, the fire cannot heat it, never= theleffe the fire will be fore to be hot of it felf. So it is with thee : if thou beef zealous againft finne, thou wilt be like unto fire, rather fuffer cold to be in any other, then fuffer it to be in it felf; fo thou wilt rather fuller fin in any body elfe, then fuller it in thy felf: thou wilt not fuller fin any where elfe by thy good will, but above all things thou wile U 3 not 4 In a rich .0an. Ali