A Tr`eati e,ortbe e f l 101JS'Y more diligent to make fare before hand ? perhaps thou may } hefaved, yea, bu t perhaps thou mayfi< be damned, And hall thou no more love to thy foul, then to be quiet with un_ certainties ? O how many be there among us that have no affurance from God, what lie means to doe with them ? whether to fave them, or to deflroy and to damn them ? how many go blundring on in an uncertain opinion, and conjecf}urall hope of Gods favour, and have no certainty at all of the,fame ? how many that are haunted with fears and terrours, and doubts this way, and never labour to be fore? how many that have had pretty affurances a good while ago, and now they have loll them, and yet they fit iidlely, and go dreaming on in the duties of religion, as if they couldfhiftwellenough, though they never recover again ? this is no zeal : if thou beefy zealous thou cana ne- ver endure to be under uncertainties, never to be quiettill thou hall gotten the affurance of Gods love, The fourth figs of zeal towards God is Qladneffe tofu,-_ 4, rher and to he furthered in the Waies of God. If thou beefy zea -1 lous, thou art glad to be reproved, and told of thy Gnnes I Gladnels glad that the Mini(ler fhould meet with thy to further corruptions I and be fur. and rip them up in the Pulpit : as a Patient is glad that the `tiered in Phyfitian fhould hit right on his difeafe, c e waiec met with thofe three thoufand in the f1Els and told eth of God. plainly they were murderers of Chrifl, as ye may reade' itl the Chapter, the Text fayes, theygladly- received the PYord; Ac`},2,.1,t. Peter laid a greater fin to their charge, then have unto yours. We have told you that Tome of you are adulterers and fore of you drunkards, -c. which is bad e , . hough, and ye areoffeitdecihereat; but Peter told them they were murderers ofChrift, and theygladly received the Word; they were not angry with Peter but with them - felves, and were glad to be told of it, a fign they werezea- lous. A zealous man is glad to further, and to be furthered in all goodneffe, he-is glad to meet with the godly, that fo she may be quickned by conference; glad to hear news of a Sermon 151