ATreatif e of the Affe4ionS. 152 a Sermon, that fo he may go to it and be edifyed ; glad of every opportunity both of doing and receiving good ; glad to go to a Sacrament which is Ch rigs feaft ; fo were the 'iI good Ifraelites,glad at the Sacrament of the Paffeover,they kept that feaft with great gladneffe, 2 Chr.3 0.21. Glad that i \there was one, glad that they were at it, they Were very glad, ¡ fayes the Text If thou beeft zealous, thou wilt be glad of I a Communion, and glad to be at it. When thou halt been at a Sermon, thou wilt be glad that ever thou wert at it : O the Word does thee fuch good, that thou goeft home with all gladneffe of heart, yea, though the Word did ne- ver fo much contradia thy corruptions. As the good peo- ple in Nehemiah, when they had been reproved and rebuked in the Congregation, and told of their fins, and made to cry j cat unto d that they underPood the words that were told joy, them, Che Neh.B.t 2. Thus thou woulde(t do if thou wert zea- lous towards God ; but if thou goeft about the duties of Gods worthip, as forty peeces of bufinefïe, if thou dog not' delight in prayer, and in hearing the Word, if thou canft fit wearifomely, and when will the Minitler have done ? a man may fee it in thy countenance, thou art not joyfull to hear, this is a fign thou haft not one fcruple of zeal towards God. The poor impotent man in the Aas, when Paul was a preaching, he looks fo merely and fo greedily upon him, as if he would fain have it falter then Pau /could deliver, he was a faithfull hearer: The fame heard Paul (peak, and Patel healed, He perceived he had had did be healed, AcZ.14 9. P he perceive it? he perceived it liy his countenance,he could give a fhrewd gueffe by his looks : while Paul was preach - S. ing, he looked fo cheerfully, and fo greedily upon him, as toj Ice if he'drunk in every point that he faid. The man without to the doubt was zeah,us to hear. torw Ord- The fifth fign of zeal towards God, is rejoycing to fee the ers. sí forwardnefre of others 'I rejoyced greatly, fayes lohn to the o ele(t