A Treatife of the 4ffeetions. eleel Lady, I rejoyced greatly, that found of thy children walking in the truth, z 1o.4. Nay, if you be zealous, though it may feem a difparagement to thee, that others fhould be as gíradous and famous as thy felt, yet thou wilt joy in it : it feemed to be a difparagement to Mofes, that .E /dad and Medadof low rank in the Church, that fuch as they should prophefié in the' Camp. Before Mofes was counted the on ly Prophet of the Lord, but -now E/dad and Medad prophe- fie as well as he : this I fay might have feemed a difparage- ment to' him, yet he was fo farce from repining thereat, as that he was glad for to hear it; would God that all the Lords people were Prophets, Nam.r a9: I cònfelfe a good man may be difcontented hereby at the fire-, flefh and blood was flirting in good ./Gibma himfelfat that time, Mofes, for- bid them, fay es he. But a godly foul will check himfelf, and pull down his fpirit, and force his heart to be glad, and rejoyce in the goodnefïe of others, though it be a feeming difparagement to him. A good Minifler rejoyceth to hear of another Minifters gifts, that out - (trips him. A good man rejoyces to fee others that are better and better beloved then himfelf, though younger and inferiour, and meaner otherwife. But if thou doll not joy to fee men zealous for God, it is certain thou art a wretch : may be thou thinkeft much, thine eye is evil, becaufe they are fo good and fo godly, and the like; this is an argument of-a graceleffe heart : may be thou art apt to judge hardly of fuch and ft ch, becaufe they are holier and precifer then thy felf, O but if thou wert zealous, thou wouldeft rejoyce for to fee it. Haft thou a better gift then another? thou art bound to help him : bath he a better gift then thou ? he is bound to be helpfull to thee. It is a good Paying of llufiin, Tolle in- vidiam, & mum eft quod babeo : tollam invidiam, & meum eft quod babes. Take away envy, and 1Òók wherein hexcell thee is thine : I will take away envy, ail& then look wherein thou excelleft me is mine. If thou be zealous, thorn wil t re- joyce howfoever. Be he a childe, thou wilt rejoyce that X he 153 c.,m me't. in lob.