Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

ATreat /e of the Affections. 1151 dred. I tell your the day will come, that the wont drun- kard in the Town would give a world, if he had it, he were fuch a Puritan. In this fenfe the very Heathen man (ayes, that every good man is a Puritan : Integer vine feeler fgue puma, An entire man of life, and a pure man, pure from the fins that others do live in. Had ye any zeal towards God, ye would be glad that all the Countrey were fuch Puritans. The fixth fign of zeal towards God is, zeal to Gods Church 6 and his people. Paul before his converfion you may know his zell to zeal was not right, becaufe his zeal was again[ the Church. God, Concerning zeal, layes he, I perfecuted the Church, Phil. ;.6. Church His zeal was against the Church, and therefore not right ; ' ° PCO' but after his converfion he had a zealous care of all the '`'e' Church, his zeal was then to the Church. If the Church were not well, O how it troubled him ! If the Church were well, O how it comforted him ! If the Church were any where perfecuted or infected, with errour and do&rinu of devils, then he was frequent in prayer for it, often would he labour, and figh, and mourn for it, and be wri ting for the good of it. Now the Saints and the people of God, thefe are the Church. Unto the Churches of Galatia, Gal. .2. that is, untoGods people in Galatia. To feed the Church of God, Ad.2o.28. that is, the people of God. Greet the Church that is in their honte, Rom 16.5. that is, the Saints that are in their houle, In all Churches of the Saints, l Cor. 14 33 thefe are the Church of God. Now if thou be zealous forGod, thou wilt be zealous for Gods Church. Examine thy felf. Dolt thou mourn for the trou- bles and difquietments of Gods Church, that the Church is fo aff tided in all parts of the world ? Does it prick thee to the foul ? Doll thou go to God, and put him in remem- brance ? Remember the Children of Edom, O Lord, how they laid, down with it, down with it, even to the ground : remember Lord the Tobiahs and Sanballats of thefe times, remember Lord how they cry, down withahy people, down X z with