156 6 Tr-eatife of the "4 f fet'tions. with them, root them out, 6-c. This is an infallible fign to try thy heart by. If thou be zealous for God, thou wilt zealoully affeet the Church of God. Nehemiah cannot lino- ther his grief, but it would fhew it felf in his face, even at the Kings elbow, when lerufalem lay wane. Vriah cannot finde in his heart to eat and drink freely, or take the plea- lure of his own houle, as long as the Ark of God, and I/ra- el, and Iudah abode in tents. Thou muff needs he affeled with the Church, if thou beet zealous for God. If thou beet zealous for God, thou muff; needs love there where God loves. God loves the very gates of Sion, he loves his Church better then he loves all the world betides. And fo wilt thou, if thou beef} zealous for him. The Church is the whole company of his Saints upon earth. One Saint is dear- er then a million of other men. It is a good Paying of "Syra- cider, xPe¡cowV d e ñ xiuot, Eccl. 16.3. One juff man is better then a thoufand others. Though he be a beggar in the world, he is better then a thoufand wicked, though they be all Lords and - Nobles. -Becaufe he is one of Chrifls re- deemed ; and fo thou wilt lovehim, and affec`l him. Thou wilt love him, if thou beet zealous to Godwards, I fay, thou wilt love a childe of God, albeit in a leathern -coat, more then father and mother, wife and children, friend or patron, fo they be not Saints, I mean, with more fpirituall love then thou lovet them all. And therefore much more the Churches of the Saints. The 7 The feventh is, If thou beef} zealous for God, then thou fign 4,e w wilt be mot zealous when the Lord threatens to be going sway. jog nrotk If ever men will buy any thing at the Fair, they'! buy when zeat, they are all breakihg up (landings, taking up their wares, when the and packing away. If ever the 1 be forward to buy, then Lota Pa g y' threat, they will. God is now perchance 'hutting tip 'hop- doors, is nab to-be , now packing up his commodities, and his graces to be gone. going The doors of his Sanc`}uary have been open a long time, and W'Y the Shop- windows of Heaven- have flood broad ope this many a year. And we fee plainly the dead of the market is comer