Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

AIM 1<58 I ATreati/e of the Affeilions. `"c `" ^!`a.. nea,.rver%e.. ^x!rJL1,ae,i]L"stt!,e ç aG 1442' i" * ** oe se.o .'C JáJGyt?3.Pi'1176C.jY The XII. Sermon. Col. ;. z. Set your of ell ions on things that are above, &c. T may be demanded, what means may we ufe, to make us to be zealous ? I anfwer briefly. Firff, Frequent meditation, Meditate of the infinite mifery thou art in by nature, and by reafon of finne, and this will make thee zea- loufly humbled. Meditate of thy grievous iniquities where- by thou haft di(honoured God ; meditate of the unuttera- ble mercy of God, that hath not confumed thee : medi- tate of the admirable patience of God, that hath fpared thee thus long, and not damned thee in hell : meditate of the inconceivable goodnes of God in Chrifi, that he fhould give up his own Sonne unto death, rather then that thou (houldefi perifh for ever, thefe truths are all fiery truths. While Davidwas meditating, I cannot tell now what truths they were that he meditated of but it feems they were all fiery truths, they let his foul all afire, as he mufed and me- ditated My heart was hot within me ; and while I was muting, the fire kindled, Pfa. 39.3. The very fight of a fire will warm a man a little, Let thy heart look upon God and his waies, let his commandments be ever in fight, they will heat thee: whenfoever thou prayefl, meditate with thy felf ; if f pray lukewarmly, God will fpue me out of his mouth, Means to ike us zealous, I. Frequent Medita. tion.