A Tt'eatift o f the Aeetions: I 159 mouth. Whenfoever thou heareft the Word, meditate with thy felf, I muff take heed how I hear, otherwife my hearing is abominable. Whenfoever the Sabbath is coming, meditate with thy felf, O I mutt call it my delight, and fpend it in Gods worfhip. publike and private, or elfe God will confume thee. While I was mufing, the fire kindled, faith the Pfalmift : what's the reafon thou art fo lukewarm in good duties, as thou art ? the reafon is plain, thou ufefl not to meditate, thou canft be content to hear the Word at a Sermon, and let the Minifter warm thee for an hour, thou canft talk of the Word, but when thou art alone thou doff not meditate of the Word ; if thou wouldeft put the Law of God in thy thoughts, and meditate of it, when thou art folitary, it is a fiery law. From his right hand went a fiery Law, Deut.3 3.2. Gods law is a fiery Law, and his Gofpell !, too is a fiery Gofpel; were it often in thy thoughts, it would heat thee. Know it for a certain, we can never have a jot of laving grace or of zeal, if we be not frequent in this duty thou makeft a Chrift of the world, if that can have more room in thy thoughts then Gods word ; thou canft never be zealous nor gracious at all, if thou beeft not ufed to meditation, thou art carnal and earthly ; why ? be- taufe thy thoughts are of that fort; the thoughts are in- centiva vitiorunt, (ayes Hierom, they are the incentives and ignicles, and the bellows to kindle fin in thv heart, where- as were they heavenly, they would kindle zeal in thy foul. The fecond means is, a cenftant prallife ofgodlineffe. Alo. tut eft caufa caloric, faies the Philofopher, Motion is the caufe of heat. Be ever inatIion, if thouwouldefl be zealous, be alwaies furring in the works of religion and godlineffe: you fhall fee men labour and toil naked in their fhirts in froft and cold, and be hot for all that Labont flits up the fpirits, and heateth the blond : labour will not fuffer a man to be cold ; if Peter had been rowing in his boat, when he flood fti ,l1 in the High- Priefts Hall by the chimney- corner, . he Flier,Ep. ad De me modem. z. A con. i` ,rit Fra: téife of Pbi[of.