16o_ ATPeatifeofthe Affeftions. Seneca. pfaf, t19. Ver, 154. Ver. 156. Ver, 149, Ver. 159. Ver. 88. Ver. 107. he had had little need of that fire to have heated him ; and therefore if thou defireft to be zealous, labour in reading of the Scriptures, labour in hearing and applying the Word to thy heart, labour in examining thy conlcience, and re- penting of thy fins, and labour in praying and calling upon God, this will kindle the heat of zeal in thee, Ask_, andye /ball receive, thatyour ioy may be full, Job. r 6.24. tnark that, your joy may be full, your comfort may be full, your love may be full, and your hope may be full, that is, that it may be zealous; for zeal is the fulneffe of every affetïion in tts kinde. O, (ayes one, I am fo dull, and fo dead, 'I pray in- deed, but my prayers are dead ; and I hear, but my hear- ing is dead ; I fee my corruptions, abundance of vanity in my heart, abundance of vanity in my thoughts, abundance of vanity in every thing that I doe, and I am fo dead, Lord what fhall I doe ? Dead art thou ? and doti thou wonder thou art dead . ?'thou wilt not labour to be quickned, thou art loth to be at the pains to be quickned, thou god} idlely to work, Otium mors e]? C vivi haminis Sepultura, as Sene- ca fpeaks : Idleneffe is death, idleneffe is the burying of a man alive. Thou art idle, and wilt not labour with God to be quickned. When David was poring and blundring, and looking upon the vanity of his minde, O he was as dead as a timber-log, it deaded his foul quite and clean to fee his corruptions, but what does he do ? he laboured with God . againft it; he laboured with falling and meditating, and praying again and again, that the Lord would be pleafed to quicken him, nine times in one Pfalm, Turn an2ay mine . eyes from beholding vanity, and quicken thou me in thy *ay, Pfal, r 19.37. ,Quick_en me, O.Lord, according to thy word, in one verfe. ,Quicken me according to thy iudgements, in ano- ther verfe. O Lord quicken me according to thy iudgemení, in another verfe. Juicken thou me according to thy loving - kindenefs. Again, 9., icken thou me after thy loving- kindeneffr. Again, £uicken me, O Lord, according to thy word, in ano- ther verfe. He never would let his heart alone, till he bad gotten