Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

igotten life and fpirit, and quickning again. As long as thou art lazy in good duties, no wonder though thou be dead, labouring and firiving in good exercifes will heat a mans foul, and make it more zealous. The third means is keeping good company, as Cleop>u was heated by being in Chrifts company, Did not our hearts burn Within tom, (ayes he, While he talk oi'ith au in the way f Luk.a43z. As the bawdy Poet Paid of his fweet- heart, Ac- cede ad ignem bane, Come to this fire: a whore inflames an adulterer, one wicked man heats another unto luff, and to finne. So every childe of God is a fire for to heat thee. Wouldeft thou be zealous ? fort with Gods people, keep company with the Saints, and fuch as excell in grace and verme. Two are better then one, for if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow ; but woe to him that is alone when he falleth, for he bath not another to help him up. Again, if two lie together, faies the Wife man, then they have heat, but how can one be warm alone, Eccl.4.9,1o,1 i. Doff thou complain, I have no zeal, I would be glad to be zealous, but I am exceedingly lukewarm ; do what I can, fo I am, and fo I am likely to be : alas I doff thou ever look to be otherwife, as long as thou canal company with vain perlons, fuch as may be will talk of heaven now and then, but there is no heat nor warmth in their fpeeches; they are dead - hearted themfelves,and to are their fpeeches,dead and with- out life. O but I live in a place that is wicked, and there's fcarce one godly man in the houle where I dwell, and I can finde none for- to warm me. Doll thou fo? fo did Obadiah in Ababa Court, there was never a good Cour- tier to convene with, and therefore what did he do? he made ufe of Gods Prophets in private, t Kin. 18.4. and though he might not be leen in their company for fear of lofing their lives, he hid them in a cave, and there he would have a bout with them in fecret. Thouwhich negle(lefl the fociety of the Saints, :never expe I to be zealous. Thomeis was very faithleffe, and fill of his dorbtings One reafon Y was ArreAtie of the AffeCtions. I 164