Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

A Zieatifi of the Affiaions, 163 thou art gone. Zeal cannot abide the.occafions of evil ; the leaf/ occafions will choak it. of The fifth means is, to ofchew the beginnings n Peter Meals eo did but begin to rebuke Chrift, Mailer, (pare thy ¡elf, he Means began to rebuke him, ¡ayes the Text, Mari6.zz. but Chrift the hcgin- did fo hate the very beginnings of that fin, that he laid, Get nin s of thee behinde me, Satan. The devil was in that beginning of &n e. fin. The Scribes and the Pharifees began to reafon, laying,' who is this that ¡peak blaf henries ? And Jefus condemned ri e:laü theft beg innings of reafomngs, Lul,y.zt. Thofe that were a maxi. invited to the Feast in the Gofpel, they came not, but fell mó is ' toexcufes, and were call into utter darkneffe for their la= tie. Greg. bour. But how came they to fall into that fnne ? the Scri, pture fhews plainly, becaufe they did not efchew the be- ginnings of t` a fanne ; they all with one confenc began to make excufe, Luk 14.18 principias obffa, let thy Pelf again(' the beginning of fnne ; if thou fuller thy heart to begin once, it will be fare to go farther. The Spirit of God bath a good phrafe, fall into fanne. He that ¡lands, let him take heed left he fall : A man that (lands upon a high rock, if be do not look to the beginning of his fall, be cannot flop himfelf till be is quite fallen down to the bottom, and if not by meet bap he catch bold fomewhere, which it's a thoufand to one if ever he do, if he do not, I fay,it is a won, der if he break not his neck. Thou can(' never have the life of grace in thee, unlefíe thou take heed of the beginnings of fin. Be exhorted all ye that fain would fear God, to bezea- or Eshcrta- ri.to be Ions. z.atous. Firfl confider, re can never be revenged on your d'orff ene- mies, unleffe ye be zealous ; ye would be glad to be reven- Etfe you ged on your (worn enemies. Sampfon begged hard of the can sever Lord, that he might be revenged on the Philiflims for his bed rc two eyes ; but thou haft worfe enemies then the Philiftims o on your o.orlt were to him. Sin, theworld, the FleJh, and the Devil, theft Ynemics. are the wort enemies that ever mortali man bad, it is good Y2 to