Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

i 4 A Ti'eàtife of the ,s9 jediottis. tuveaal, sat. r;. to be revenged on them ; thou cant} never be revenged on them, except thou be zealous; there is no enemy befides that it is lawfull to be revenged on, but only upon thefe, on thefe thou mayft lawfully : thefe have done thee much fpight, they have brought thee into the eflate of wrath and damnation, they have made thee accurfed, and liable to hell- torments for ever, they have pluckt out the two eyes of thy foul now if thou wouldeft be zealous, thou mayf'f be revenged upon them. The Apofl.le puts zeal and revenge together, yea, what zeal, yea, what revenge, 2 Cor 7.11. If thou been zealous, thou mayft be revenged upon fin that bath done thee fo much mifchief: it bath troubled thy peace, defiled thy confcience, difabled thee from worfhip. ping of God, hindred many good things from thee. Ne- ver bada thou any hurt, or any forrow, or any evil, but thou mayft thank finne for it : Jufl caufe haft thou to be revenged upon thine, there is an imbred defire of revenge in a man upon thofe that wrong him : the Heathen could fay, Ell vindiíla bonunf vit î jucundius ipfÇ. Revenge is fweeter then life it felf: Here it is true, and no where elfe. All other revenge is a- damnable premunire againfl God, vengeance is mine, (ayes he, and who is he that revengeth himfeif to intrench upon Gods right ? but here revenge is commanded, yea, it's fweeter then life : here revenge and fpare not, and this is the way : get zeal, and be as hot as a furnace in anger againft finne, and beat it as M %.r did the Ifiaelites calf, into dull and powder; bath thy filthy coufening heart deceived thee fo often? hereby thou mayft be revenged on ir, be zealous to fearch' it, and curb it, and tame it; have thy lulls beengreedy, and proud, and fenfual ; this humour they mutt have, and this fafhion they mull follow, and this pleafure they mull take, and this liberty they mull ufe. Oif thou: woo Idea be zealous, thou mayft eafily be revenged on dry lulls,here- by thou mayft be revenged on the devil,and fpight his king- - - - -- dom