Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

ATreatife oft ie Afec6iions. dom to advance Ch rifts ; hereby thou mayft be revenged on thy flefh, that hath played the traytor fo often with thee, thou mayft afflift it, and mailer it, and block it, and fubdue it; hereby thou mayft tread upon the world, that hath fo often enfnared thee, thou mayft fcorn it and con- temn it, and all the glory of it, and count it as droffe and dung in companion of Chrdt : hereby thou mayft trample Satan under thy feet. It is a ftrange thing how little men . 1 ftudy to be revenged on thefe enemies ; let our own bro- ther give us but a croffe- word, we are at daggers drawing to be revenged ; but the devil may baffle us, and the devil may tempt us, and beguile us, we put it all up ; Let a fer- want but anger us a little, and offehd us but in,a peece of fervice, or an errand, O we are fo revengefully and ready to make them fmart for it 1 but finne may croffe us in our fouls, and rob us of Chrill, and deprive us of grace, and mercy, and peace, and all ; yet we are good friends with it we taken0thing amiffe ;. alas 1 thefe men are monfters and mad men,one day thoú (halt fee that finne, andthy luff and Satan, whole temptations thou haft been led by, &c. they are the worft enemies in the world ; and if ever thou def.-ire(' to be revenged upon them, O endeavour to be zealous. Secondly, Confider thou wilt never be able tdo good 2. unto others, unleffe thou be zealous. When men go drea- Zeal ena V! es us co mingly on in Religion, they can never do good upon o- doe us to thers; what do others think ? they think bafely and mean- ly thereof, as if it were a matter of nothing ; but when they cne s. fee a man.zeálous,this affectsthem indeed, if anything will do it. When a man is zealous. at a game, he laugheth ex- ceedingly, he is as merry as he can (land on his legs ano= ther man that (hall fee it, wiltbe apt to demandwhat fine merry pleafant game is that ? fo it is with ambitious men, when a mauls- zealous: fora living, he rides through thick *.nd thin, through! froft and fnow.all the night long, this friepd he feeksto,,, nd.that Nòbl man hi flies to,, to help _3 ehim