Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

t66 ATreatiieoftheAffééioas. him in bis foil : what will folks fay ? certainly he is about tome great living or other, he is fo eager aboutng So i:: thou wouldelk be zealous for God, and fervent in re- ligion, men would be compelled to conceive better of god_ iineffe, and of Chrifi, then thou mighteta provoke others to vokfd Very godlinefe. Zeal is a provoking grace. Tour .zeal hash pro- moister does zeal in aez 2 Cor'9.2, As zeal in charity provokes, fo every good work provoke Where Theodora io town,, obferves the wifedom of pail, for he provokes the Mace- doniam by the zeal of the Corinthians, and the Corinthjaj,s by the zeal of the Macedonians; for zeal does mutually provoke one another. O what a deal ofgood mightefi thou do in the houle where thou dwelleff, in the Parifh where thou livefi,in the Countrey where thou art,if thou WOO ldfi labour to be zealous ! I knew an old man, whether he be dead now or alive, I know nbt, that pled confiantly to go to the labouring men in the field, and catechize them, and pofe them in Religion, as they were reaping and working, he would go to mens (hops where he was acquainted, and air them up to have care of their fouls, and by this means brought above fourty men and women to leek out for Hea- ven, that before had no more care that way, then if they had been like a company of heaths. Wouldefi thou not be glad to do good ? thou wilt never be able xo do its except thou be zealous. Paid had women, and fundry private Chrifhans, that are laid to labour with him in the Gofpel. This, this beloved, would caufe Religion to thrive here a- mong us. 3 Thirdly, Confider I pray you, thou wilt difcourage to Peoples that are God). Minif#ers, except thou be zealous. If men Coat would be zealous in hearing, and zealous would make us go cheerfully on in our callingsohf 1hen i- R9inil}crs. Ti- au told Paul the fervent mmde of the Corinthian', en- couraged the Apoflle; when he told us your fervent li we rejoyced the more, a Con 7 m ride the Original, w 7.7 ;naov üuwv, fo it is in g hen he told us your zeal. Saint Paul was sheared