Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

A T reatife o f the Affei lions: cheared to hear that. What greater difcouragement to a Schoolmafler,then that his fcholars fhould be dull and not profit ? What greater difheartning to a Captain, then that his fouldiers fhould be fainthearted, and without life ? and what greater grief to a Minifler,then that his people fhould be fenfeleffe and liveleffe? It made Jeremy weary of his life : It made the Prophet Micah lament bitterly. Wo is me, I am like the Grape gleaners : It made the Prophet Ifay cry out, I have laboured in vain. On the contrary, when the people are zealous and forward, and drink in the words of eternal life with all greedineffe, and bring forth fruit with abundance, this makes a Minifler go merrily on in his function. Zelo Ecclefa Dei congregator, faith Saint Ambrofe: Iris zeal that does gather a Church, the zeal of the Minifler, and the zeal of the people ; the Lord quicken us in his mercy, that we may encourage one another daily. Let us be encouraged by you, when ye are reproved be not offended. You think the Minifier fpights you, alas t. we have no reafon to with any of your fingers to ake, much leffe to with that your fouls fhouldperifh. When S. Paul commanded that the incefluous Corinthian fhould be deli- vered to Satan, did he with him any hurt ? No,Deliver him unto Satan, fayes he, for the deflru lion of the flefh, that the fpirit may be faved in the day of the Lord Jefits, t Cor. 5.5. i1 4e G7L í É; l iai iii 7tpiC CV7U f¿t flni: X , &c. fayes Chry- foßome, No mortal man loved that offender in Corinth more then Pao/ did, (ayes he, when he would have him de- livered unto Satan. It was only that he might know he was a damned wretch, unleffe he amended, and that the devil . fhould have him unleffe he were humbled. Whatwas his reafon ? his reafon was this, that his foul might be faved in that day. O the Minifler preaches damation fo often, he- is unmerciful) to our fouls. O my brethren, we intend you the greatefl mercies of heaven in fo faying, it is that ye may not run into damnation, but may repent and beleeve the Gofpel. Do not thus difcou rage us whom God batik fent to. 1167 Mica. I. Arrbrof. cbryoft.