A Treatif e of ebe AffeEfións, a. Zeal makesa wn cz. ctn. P outrG. 5. Zeal .Hakes nen like Angels. Gregor. i osbrof. toyou as his Mini.1ers to labour in the word and dotlrine amongyóu, but fair up your felves to be zéalous in hearing and obeying, that we may give tip an-account of your fouls unto God with all cheerfullneffe. Fourthly confider, Youcan ?sever' be ex ellent, ifye be seat zealora. A Chriflian fhould lirive to excell : ant Cafar, ant nuhsmr;nothing but the bell fhould fuffice a.Chriflian. Wouldea thou then be excellent? get this fame zeal : zeal i runnes after the bell things, Cover earneftly the.beft gifts, z Cor. t 2.3 t. The Word in, the Original is sns o a, be zea- lous after the bell things : Wouldefl thou be excellent in prayer, and excellent in the duties of religion? be zealous therein. A Chriftian is like fire: fire, mounts upabfolutely aloft, and afcends above all. So dots a Chriflian : he is bet - ter then all themen of this world put them all together : like lob, there is none like him in all the earth. Every man elfe fain would be excellent, a Worldling flrives to excell others in wealth0 a politician to excell others in wifedom, a fcholar to excell others in learning, a tradefman to excel! others in his profetlion. He is of a bafe fpirit that does not defire to excell in fome thing : and fhall not a Chriftian then', defire to excell in grace ? Fifthly, Confider I pray, who ye may be like if once ye be zealous ; yemay be like unto the Angels of heaven, they are fpirits and flaming fire, fayes the Apoflle, Heb.z.7. if thou art zealous for God, thou art a bodily Seraphim ; though thou canfl never be without fin as long asthou li- ved -in this world, yet as Grc o-y fpeaks, in the mouth of zeal thou mayft (wallow up thy fins ; nothing will-devciur and confume fin fo well as t.rue,zeal. O get a coal of this fire then from Gods - Altar, and heat thy heart with it and while thou in:lyfl be like thw bleffed Angels of God, be not like the brutifh fons of the old Adam. Zeal is it that maketh an Ange -1 ro be an Angel. _Angell fine zelo nihil fesse, (ayes Ambrofe, the Angels are nothing without zeaLlf thou hadí} zeal nntoÇod, then thou mighteíl be like untro;Aawels.. Sixthl I'