ATréacie of the APioss. 1 Sixthly, Confider what infinite need thou haft of true zeal. Suppofe a great froft, and a tedious cold winter were a coming, and then no firing were to be had, would not men buy as much fewell as they could get, and (lack it, and floe i't, that they might have it at their need ? othitr- wife they were not able to live, nor to dreìle their own fu- ftenance, they would certainly flarve if they fhould have no firing in fuch a cold time Beloved, I fpeak to finch as have ears to hear, there's a cold time of religion a coming, and the wrath of God is ready to break forth, to plague mens fouls with key- coldneffe this way, becaufe they have defpifed the zeal of the Lord, and no firing to be had then, God knows how foon the power of Gods Word may be taken from us. You who love your own fouls, look about, lay up force firing, and be not fluthfull in all this buGneffe ; do all diligence to flore up grace for your felves, this will help you to zeal, not flothful in buGneffe, fervent in f irit. Rom. t z. I I. .e.° 7es, fo it is in the Originali, zealous in fpirit. If ye will not be flothfull in buGneffe, ye (hall quick- ly be zealous in fpirit. O get quickly the fpirit of prayer, to be zealous in prayer by faith, it will be the belt firing to your bow, it will be your only thing left, nothing left you but prayer in fecret unto God, had not ye need to be diligent for that? When a poor cripple bath nothing to truft to but only his begging, he will ply that When a poor day - labourer bath never a foot of ground, nor any thing, but only his fingers end to maintain him and his family, he he will be fure to employ them ; alas, if he fhould have a wound in his hands, or he fhould lofe the ufe of his fin- gers, what (hall he do ? when a mans houle leans mainly upon one pillar, he will look to that pillar. Thus it is with thee. Thou (halt have little elfe betides prayer, thou muff get it out of thy fingers ends. Now we that are Gods Mi- fillers Rudy all the week long to quicken you here when ye come to Gods Houfe, while ye are thinking of other matters; but if God fhould once take away us from you, Z all I 40 We have greatneed of zeal.