I70 I A Treatife of the AeEtions. all the work lies upon your backs, and ye have little elfe betides Prayer and Gods Word for to help you. O there. fore be.not flothfull in this bufineffe; get a fure hold in Chrift, that ye maybe able to hold in the evil day. No matter though the world do deride you ; for if ye have true zeal, (ayes Chryfoftome, ye will fear praife or difprafe no more then if you were all alone in the world, and no man betides you. if no perfwafionscan prevail with thee to the trading for this zeal that I fpeak of hear what the Lord Jefus doth peremptorily threaten : It fhall come to paffe that I will fpue thee out of my mouth. The X I I I. Sermon. Col. 3. Z. Set your afeflions on things that are above, &c. Itherto I have (hewn how the affections muff be fet upon God, and efpecially the zeal of them. I have fhewn the wofull eflate of that foul, that doth not fet its affections this way, together with fundry ufes of the point. Now let me perfwade you with motives to this duty, namely, to fet your affections on God. The Apofäle in this place ufeth five firong perfwafìons hereto, as the words may alto be conftrued. Firfl, by a f}rong obteffation, as a mother perfwades her childe, as ever thou art my childe do this for me. Ifye then be rifenWith Chrift, feek_ehofe things that are above: If ye be rifen with Chrift, fet your affections on things above, g. d. as In the context are thefe motives to fet our affcáions on God. s. Becaule elfe vte deny our intereft in Chrifks refurreal- on.