;, ATreatife of the Affeaion.c. 3 Becaufe Cud/ is our life. Vt vitam retimaa. Floras, BecuCe Chriíi will bring us to glo- ry. dead ? Bring a childé of God to your drinkings, and your whiffings,his affeftions arèdead, he bath no heart to them : bring him to your fportings, and your vain merriments, and your fooleries, you {hall fee him fo dead to them, that ye {hall have no delight in his company. S. Pawl makes this an argument ab abfaardo. How {hall we that are dead to finne, live any, longer therein ? Rom. 6.2. How is this pofTble ? Í !hall as foonbeleeve it, as that adead man fhould walk along your fareets in a winding - fheet : What ? know you not this, {ayes he, what a Chriftian, and yet his affethons on fuch courfes as thefe ? this is impofïible, how !hall ye ? So that this is another ftrong perfwafion, becaufe ye are dead, therefore fet not your affeftions. below. Thirdly, The Apoftle here perfwadesby a ftrong reafon, Chrift is your life, ver.4. Life is fweet, it is true, and a mans affeétions are lirong to his life, veftes ac omnia vendes, thou wilt part with cloaths, and part with moneys, and part' with lands, and part with all for thy life : thine affeftions are lirong let to life. Now Chrift is thy life, or elfe thou art but a damned wretch : if thou beeft a true Chriftian, Cbrift is thy life, -and wilt not thou fet thine affeftions on thy life;hisCommandments are thy- life,hisWord is thy life, his ordinances are thy life,his promifes,his favours,his blond, are thy life,and wilt thou not fet thine affeftions on thy life? If thou bee& a true Chriftian, thou wilt pray for life, and repent for life, and fanetifie the Sabbath for life, and put up an injury, and be obedient to God for life, all thine affeftions confpire together for life : thou lòveft thy life and thou defireft thy life, and thou rejoyceft in thy life, and thou feareft that which is hurtful! to life, and hateft that which is contrary to life, all thine affections will be to thy life; and therefore fet thine affeftions on Chrift, for he is thy life. Fourthly, The Apoftle here perfwades by a ftrong de- duftion. When Chrift {hall appear, then ye alfofhall ap- pear with him in glory, ven4 this is an excellent motive to