4 Treatife of the Afeïtions. to let thine affections on God, bec oufe he Will bring thee to glory, every man affects glory, Now all the glory of this world is a blaze, as our Proverb is, a good Proverb it is, it is but ablaze, and not worthy thine affedions, none but bale hearts will affeft this; thou art the childeof wrath and damnation from the cradle to the coffin, thou art go. ing to hell and confufion, if thou been not a new creature in Chrift : and wilt thou affeft to be a Gentleman, affel to be a Knight or a Lord ? wilt thou affeft to get credit and honour, and repute among men, to be praifed by mens mouths? this is even as if a thief fhould affef credit as he is going to the gallows. Set thine affedions then upon God and upon Chrifl, when hé appears he will help thee to a kingdom of glory. Chrift is the King of glory; Who is the King of glory ? it is the Lord of boils, he is the King of glory ; fet thine affedions on him then. The vulgar have a pretty faying; He that is in favour with the King, is half a King. What may not fuch an one doe, what may not fuch an one have, if he be in favour with a King? potens potentum amicitia, Potent is the favour that a man hath with him that is potent. And therefore let thine affedions upon Chrift, let thine affedions be in favour with Chrift ; what is that then thou canii not have ? thine affe- &ions are potent, if they be in favour with him ; all power is given to me in heaven and earth, (ayes Chrift, Mat.a8. 18. Chrift is very potent : if thine affedions be not let on him, he is potent enough to damn thee ; if they be, he is potent to fave thee, and when he appears, then fhalt thou appear with him in glory. Fifthly, The Apoflle here perfwades by a ftrong illation or inference. Mortifie therefore, (ayes he, mortifie your earthly members, inordinate affedion, etc. verf ç. mark, he cals the affedion, when it is not fet aright upon God, he cals it inordinate affèdion if thine affedions run more after the things of this life, then after Chrifl and his Word; and his Commandments, and his Ordinances, thine affedi- Z 3 óns 17; . If our aff, thous be not let on Chrift, they are out of or- rice.