174 .ATreatife of the Affe&tions. ons are diforderly, they are all out of order. Order is to be obferved in all things, and wilt thou fuffer diforder break in upon thy foul ? diforder turns all topfie turvie diforder will undoe a whole Kingdom : if a Kingdom be out of order, it mutt needs go to wrack. If a family be out oforder, it mutt needs be brought to nought ; nothing can Band without order, no art can confift without order : and certainly thy foul cunnot hand without order ; if thine affeftions be out of order, thy foul is in civili wars, and cannot (land but muff perifh. Now if thine affeftions be not fet upon God, they are all out of order. What's the reafon that men are fo forgetful] of their fouls ? if their bellies do hunger, they remember to fill them; if their backs be naked, they remember to cloath them ; if their markets be not made, they remember to difpatch them ; but their fouls may perifh and be damned, they do not remem- ber them : What's the reafon of this ? their affeftions are out of order. Ordo efl' mater memorie, Order is the mother of memory; a man can never remember his bufineffes, if all be out of order. Saint Paul rejoyced to behold their order in Coloffe, Col,z.s. he was glad to fee that all their affairs were in order, why ? therrhe hop't all would go well with them : David prays God to order his fteps : Order my Reps in thy Word, and let not any iniquity have dominion over me: Pfa. 119,133. He knew that his lufts would be like mafterleffe hounds, he fhould have no hoe with them, if his foul were out of order. Order my fteps in thy word, fayes he, and let not any iniquity have dominion over me. If thine affeftions be out of order, alas, every luft will do- mineer every corruption will be like a mafterleffe hound, as we fay. Job' faith, that death is out of order, Job 10.2.2. And Aquinas and other Divines thence do obferve, that hell is out of order ; and wilt thou fuffer a diforder to come among thine affeftions ? alas, they will be fo bufie about the things ofthis life, that thou (halt finde no while for better employments, no while for repentance and amend- ment,